Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What does that mean?

I've come to the conclusion that I'm never going to write a blog post that doesn't feel ridiculously awkward......So, I'll take step one toward getting over my freakish aversion to getting started.

I've wrestled with this title waaaay too long too. Is it trite? Cliche? Plain dumb?

Doesn't matter!! Because it's precisely where I live right now!


I am utterly convinced that there was a packed out showing in Heaven the day I threw out the words, "I don't see me having a huge family." And lo...There are seven of us. Breakin' it down: Brian--cute husband that looks 20-something, Desmin the teen, Caleb--blonde #1, Noah--blonde #2, Elliana--the princessa, and Lorelei--the bonus kid. And then there's me, Crista. I'm younger than my years, often late, sometimes lazy, surrounded by life. I love to learn, watch my children grow and my husband think, and I love a good road trip. And for some reason I'm borderline obsessed with birds--which I assure you started before everyone else's obsession. I also love spicy food and rivers. I can't imagine my life without Jesus and the gospel and scripture.

So now, having heard a bit about some of my quirks and craves, I'll wrap up my first and reluctant post by saying...

Life always offers more than we first observe, consider, expect, and I figure that's what I'll write about.

More than planned.

More blessings always than reach me aware.

More complex than I first thought.

More than just surface.

More than mere appearances.

More depth and application.

Just more.

1 comment:

  1. The perfect post to get you up and going!! The awkward post thing? I totally get it which is why I'm an amazing blog writer in my head....just don't get it written down very often. So proud of you!!


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