Monday, August 22, 2011

Tripped by the Transition

I think I've figured it out. It only took 35 years, 8 months and 3 days. Ready for "it?"

Here it is...

I'm pretty stinkin' good at change, but I'm BAD at transitions. The moment before things are different but the knowing that what's been is about to give way to what will be.

Jesus in Gethsemane.

The moment before you say, "Yes."

The instant before the dentist gives the first numbing shot.

The day before the first day of school.....

My three boys went off to school today. I've done five years of first days, but my heart can't seem to escape the Compression Chamber it insists on entering the weekend before school starts.

So excited to see them grow, but so reluctant to let them for fear they'd burst the bounds of their love for their momma.

Which they will. And they have to, and I want them to so that they'll go and be what He's created them to be. I'm thankful that happens in small steps. Otherwise I couldn't bear it. They are such treasures!

Thank you, Lord, for giving them to me to hold and let go. Help me to have faith that leaves no room for fear in the transition-times. Teach me joy in Your plan that overpowers the creeping feelings of sadness and loss. Amen

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