"Mom. They said I'm not cool."
In my mind, I yell...
"Excuse me!"
"Well, they're not cool then!"
To my breathtakingly uncool firstborn I respond...
"You most definitely are not cool."
You are the opposite of their woundedness,
their loneliness,
their brokenness.
Their sad longing.
You are a bought,
paid for in full,
of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
"Remember, son, when you said you'd follow Him even unto death?
II Timothy says, 'You therefore endure suffering as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.'
And then it says in the book, 'If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use.'
And I say that you are my child and you are important. You are good. You are holy by His blood, and you are righteous in Him.
That's how God says,
'You're COOL.'
And so do I."
And I squeeze him tight
and smell his hair.
And I am thankful that my son is relaxing his shoulders.
And his spirit.
And that he is not only reborn Good.
But that he is also learning to walk Good.
He's learning his new identity,
trying it on,
walking around in it.
It fits him well.
Lord, thank you for Caleb.
You have seen fit to gather him to You.
Help me teach him and his siblings to walk with You.
In Your Way
All the days of his life.